All have said that
Death is horrible
Yet the 'Moksha' is
considered divine.
How can the way to
Divinity to be horrid?
Rarely we relish deep
sleep !!!!!!!!!!!!
Mostly we all are
hunting day and night.
Why ? The question
remained unanswered.
For long the brain
waves kept echoing
After reaching the
dead end of a long tunnel
Yet, never Man has
left his search
Neither have I
stopped the race .
The Thoughts always
leave me behind
Kept me running to match
up the pace.
Tit bits of happiness
do fall in the lap
Yet the greed is to
snatch it all.
Sight of a new born
brings tinkle in the eyes,
Crawling baby standing
suddenly brightens the smile.
Yes, the life offers
joy in bits and pieces.
Arms of beloved do
give oceans of warmth,
Feeding the young
fills our belly ,too.
A hand raised in
blessing draws away sky of fear
Yet, the search is
always on to find the Ultimate
The question still
persists, is death so horrid?
So much so to race
against time and be avoided.
Does the joy of
Uniting with the Invisible
Can only be relished
on leaving the bodily envelope?
Can't the fruits of
His eternal love
Be tasted in this so
called 'Cursed' flesh and blood?
Roaming in the jungle
of thoughts and their embodiment
Suddenly by heavenly
grace came upon a light
Enlightening the
panting soul, caressed like mother
Soul in flesh and
blood do rest for a while
Do unite momentarily
with the Creator
Lo! man, woman, be any
age ,sex or creed
All bestowed with HIS
aura of divine seize.
In the lone moments when Man is asleep
In the lone moments when Man is asleep
Sleeping with his
worries at a bay ,
With worldly relations
far beyond his reach
Death in a beautiful
package of Life
Do come when we're
deep asleep.
None of
the desires 'Dharm, Arth ,Kaam ,Moksha'
Bind the body and
The fruits of ultimate
happiness do quench
The thirsty souls with
Nectar so divine.
The realization aptly
removes the fear of Death.
If a dose,so tiny
relinquishes the soul,
How can be the arms of
DeathBe lesser than the
arms of loving mother?......... Poonam matia'poonam'
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